Starbucks Iced Apple Crisp Macchiato A Fall-Inspired Delight

Starbucks Inspired Iced Apple Crisp Macchiato: A Fall-Inspired Delight

Description: Capture the essence of autumn with our Starbucks Iced Apple Crisp Macchiato recipe. Learn how to recreate the warm and comforting flavors of apple crisp

in a refreshing iced macchiato, perfect for sipping on a crisp fall day.

Introduction: Indulge in the flavors of fall with our Starbucks-inspired Iced Apple Crisp Macchiato. This delightful concoction combines the essence of apple crisp with the cool and invigorating qualities of an iced macchiato. Learn how to craft this seasonal treat and bring the warmth of autumn to your coffee ritual.

Starbucks Iced Apple Crisp Macchiato Ingredients:

  • 1 cup strong brewed coffee, cooled
  • 1/2 cup apple juice or apple cider
  • 1/4 cup milk (dairy or non-dairy)
  • 2 tablespoons caramel syrup
  • Ice cubes
  • Apple slices for garnish (optional)
  • Cinnamon for garnish (optional)


  • Tall glass
  • Ice cubes
  • Stirring spoon
  • Coffee maker

Starbucks Iced Apple Crisp Macchiato Instructions:

1. Brew Strong Coffee:

  • Brew a cup of strong coffee using your preferred method. Allow it to cool or refrigerate for a faster cooling process.

2. Mix Apple Juice and Caramel Syrup:

  • In a separate container, combine 1/2 cup of apple juice or apple cider with 2 tablespoons of caramel syrup. Stir well to create an apple caramel mixture.

3. Assemble the Iced Macchiato:

  • Fill a tall glass with ice cubes. Pour the cooled strong coffee over the ice.

4. Add Apple Caramel Mixture:

  • Slowly pour the apple caramel mixture over the coffee. The syrup will sink to the bottom, creating a layered effect.

5. Froth Milk:

  • Froth 1/4 cup of milk using a milk frother or by vigorously shaking it in a jar. Gently spoon the frothed milk over the top of the coffee.

6. Garnish (Optional):

  • If desired, garnish the Iced Apple Crisp Macchiato with apple slices and a sprinkle of cinnamon for an extra touch of fall flavor.

7. Stir and Enjoy:

  • Use a stirring spoon to mix the layers slightly before sipping. This allows the flavors to blend together.

Starbucks Iced Apple Crisp Macchiato Tips:

  • Adjust the sweetness by adding more or less caramel syrup.
  • Experiment with different types of milk, such as almond or oat, for varied flavors.
  • Serve with a cinnamon stick for an added touch of autumn spice.

Sip and savor the comforting and seasonal notes of our Starbucks-inspired Iced Apple Crisp Macchiato. This delightful beverage brings the essence of apple crisp to your coffee routine, making it a perfect companion for cool fall days. Enjoy the warmth and flavors of the season in every refreshing sip!