James Hoffmann Aeropress Recipe World Champion Coffee Expert

James Hoffmann Aeropress Recipe Intro

J-Hoffmann, a world champion barista and coffee expert, has shared his famous James Hoffmann Aeropress Recipe that showcases the device’s versatility. Here is a simplified vers

ion of James Hoffmann’s AeroPress recipe:

James Hoffmann Aeropress Recipe Ingredients:

  • 15-17g of coffee (medium grind)
  • 200g of water (about 85°C or 185°F)
  • A stir stick or paddle
  • AeroPress and AeroPress filter

James Hoffmann Aeropress Recipe Instructions:

  1. Setup:
    • Assemble your AeroPress and place it on a sturdy mug or carafe.
  2. Pre-wet the Filter:
    • Rinse the AeroPress filter with hot water to eliminate any paper taste and preheat the device.
  3. Add Coffee:
    • Place the AeroPress on a scale and add 15-17g of medium-ground coffee to the chamber.
  4. Bloom:
    • Start the timer and pour about 40g of water evenly over the coffee grounds, ensuring all grounds are saturated. Allow it to bloom for about 30 seconds.
  5. Stir:
    • After the bloom, use a stir stick or paddle to gently stir the coffee-water mixture for even saturation.
  6. Complete the Pour:
    • Pour the remaining 160g of water in a steady and controlled manner, ensuring all coffee grounds are saturated.
  7. Attach the Cap:
    • Place the cap on the AeroPress without pressing down.
  8. Steep:
    • Let the coffee steep for about 1 minute and 30 seconds.
  9. Press:
    • After steeping, attach the filter cap and gently press down, using steady and even pressure, until you hear a hissing sound.
  10. Serve:
  • Your brewed coffee is now ready to enjoy! Dilute with hot water if desired.

James Hoffmann Aeropress Recipe Tips:

  • Experiment with coffee grind size and water temperature to adjust the flavor profile.
  • James Hoffmann’s recipe provides a concentrated brew; feel free to dilute it with hot water to your liking.
  • Adjust the coffee-to-water ratio based on your preferences.

This simplified version captures the essence of James Hoffmann’s AeroPress recipe. However, for the most accurate details, consider watching James Hoffmann’s tutorial for the AeroPress, where he shares additional insights and variations. Enjoy brewing your coffee!