Molten Lava Cake Recipe | Perfectly Gooey and Rich

Irresistible Molten Lava Cake Recipe for Chocolate Lovers

Description: Dive into the decadence of our easy molten lava cake recipe. Discover how to make this gooey, chocolate-rich dessert that’s perfect for any special occasion or a c

ozy night in.

Molten Lava Cake Recipe Introduction:

Molten lava cakes are the quintessential dessert for any chocolate lover. With their rich, gooey centers and luxurious texture, they create an unforgettable dining experience that’s surprisingly easy to achieve at home.

Molten Lava Cake Recipe
Molten Lava Cake Recipe

This recipe guides you through creating the perfect molten lava cake with a few simple ingredients and steps, ensuring a show-stopping dessert that impresses at any gathering or romantic dinner.

Molten Lava Cake Recipe Ingredients:

  • ½ cup unsalted butter, plus more for greasing
  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips or chopped chocolate
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 large egg yolks
  • ¼ cup granulated sugar
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • Powdered sugar for dusting (optional)
  • Ice cream or berries for serving (optional)


  • 4 ramekins (6-ounce size)
  • Baking sheet
  • Mixing bowls
  • Whisk

Molten Lava Cake Recipe Instructions:

  1. Preheat and Prepare:
    • Preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C).
    • Grease four 6-ounce ramekins with butter and place them on a baking sheet.
  2. Melt Chocolate and Butter:
    • Combine the butter and chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave in 30-second intervals, stirring after each, until completely melted and smooth. Set aside to cool slightly.
  3. Mix Eggs and Sugar:
    • In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs, egg yolks, sugar, and salt until the mixture becomes slightly thick and pale.
  4. Combine Mixtures:
    • Gradually fold the chocolate mixture into the egg mixture until well combined. Then sift in the flour and fold gently until the mixture is smooth.
  5. Fill Ramekins:
    • Divide the batter evenly among the prepared ramekins.
  6. Bake:
    • Bake for 12-14 minutes, or until the edges are firm but the center is still soft.
  7. Serving:
    • Let the cakes sit for 1 minute out of the oven. Run a knife around the edges to loosen, then invert each ramekin onto a plate. Remove the ramekin carefully.
    • Dust with powdered sugar, serve immediately with a scoop of ice cream or a handful of fresh berries for added contrast and freshness.

Tips for Perfect Molten Lava Cake Recipe:

  • Timing is Key: The baking time might vary slightly depending on your oven, so it’s crucial to watch the cakes closely. The edges should be cooked, but the center should still wobble slightly when you shake the pan.
  • High-Quality Chocolate: Use the best quality chocolate you can find, as it’s the main flavor of your dessert.
  • Preparation: You can prepare the batter a couple of hours in advance and keep it in the ramekins in the refrigerator. Just bring them to room temperature before baking.


Molten Lava Cake Recipe are a delightful treat that’s sure to satisfy any chocolate craving. This recipe simplifies the process without compromising on the luxurious, indulgent nature of the dessert.

Whether for a special occasion or a treat for yourself, these molten lava cakes promise a melt-in-your-mouth experience that’s both decadent and memorable. Enjoy the process and the delicious results!


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